

To find any information on public transports, calculate route, etc., this is a very useful link that you will need:

From your arrival point to your hotel:

- If you come from Roissy-Charle-de-Gaulle airport, you may use the RER B train line to reach Paris. You can then as a function of your hotel address do the connections you need to get to your destination (

- If you come from Orly airport, you can use the Orlyval: direct line to Antony station (7.60 €). (A taxi may be a good alternative however.) From Antony station, you can do the connections you need to get to your destination (

- For those who arrive by train (from Belgium, France, etc.), you will arrive at a train station in Paris (Gare du Nord, Gare de Lyon, etc.). You can then do the connections you need to get to your destination (

From your hotel to Ecole Centrale Paris:

If your hotel is in the neighborhood of Ecole Centrale Paris, then you can may be walk, or take a bus (see directions here or from GoogleMaps).

If your hotel is in the center of Paris, then go to Antony station or La Croix de Berny station using RER B train. Then:

- From La Croix de Berny station, you can take the bus 279 and get off at Carrefour de l’Europe stop. This stop is 100 meters far from the secondary entrance of Ecole Centrale. You can also walk from La Croix de Berny station (15 min) until the secondary entrance of Ecole Centrale, see from La Croix de Berny station.

- From Antony station, you can take the bus 395 and get off at ‘Grande Voie des Vignes-Ecole Centrale’ stop (100 meters far from the main entrance of Ecole Centrale). You can also walk from Antony station (15 min) until the secondary entrance of Ecole Centrale, see from Antony station. Or you can call a cab: there is taxi call booth at Antony station.

For more information, see

From one of the two entrances of Ecole Centrale to the conference rooms:

The rooms of the conference are in the Olivier Building. You will enter either from the main entrance, or the secondary one (entry of the students).

- If you enter from the main entrance, then you will find the Olivier Building just in front of you.

- If you arrive from the secondary entrance (entry of students), use the campus plan here to get to Olivier Building:

Some numbers for a taxi booking:

- Taxi G7: 0033147394739

- Alpha-Taxis : 0033145858585